This page contains details of the meetings of our Area Groups, other HMRS meetings and our participation in events organised by others.

For directions and how to contact the Area Group Organiser go to the Area Groups page.

You can find us on Facebook at Historical-Model-Railway-Society


Thu. 13 Febrary 19:40 for a 20:10 start

Sussex Area Group; A Talk on Templot and trackwork design,Steve Cornford

Sat. 22 February 14:30 

Bristol Area Group; Zoom meeting, Meeting Rail Tours from Phil Hall’s Rescue Negatives – contact Organiser for Link

Thu. 13 March 19:40 for a 20:10 start

Sussex Area Group; An Illustrated talk using "Photographs from the Frank Foote Collection", LSWR based, 1923 onwards, Mike King.

Sat. 15 March

HMRS Trustees Zoom Meeting. Contact Secretary for details, members only

Sat. 29 March 14:30 

Bristol Area Group; In person meetings resume at Saltford – Roy Kethro Bristol Bath Road Engine Shed 

Thu. 10 April 19:40 for a 20:10 start

Sussex Area Group; “William Robert Galbraith”, little known Civil Engineer to the LSWR. A snap shot look at some of his engineering projects, Keith Goodsell

Sat. 26 April 14:30 

Bristol Area Group; Southern Railway Moguls, Gerry Nichols -  Venue Saltford

Sat. 17 May 14:30  (one week early to avoid Bank Holiday weekend)

Bristol Area Group; Another visit from the Bard of Coventry -  vintage colour from Chris Youett - Venue Saltford

Sat. 11 October