The Journal
Our Journal is sent free to members. Digital copies of these can be found here. These are free to members only and can be downloaded from the members only area of this site. The Journal aims to be one of scholarly record and publishes prime source material as well as items of debate and research.
The Trustees, having considered the overall benefits of membership, decided not to make past issues of the Journal available to purchase from this website either as paper copies or digital pdfs. Copies are deposited at The British Library and the Library of the National Railway Museum and the Institute for Railway Studies as well as other interested institutions. Any University or College that might like to begin taking the Journal for use in its Library is requested to contact the editor using the contact form. You may also use the form for enquiries about submitting articles for publication, or for general enquiries. Guidance for (potential) authors is available here.
A combined index covering volumes 1 to 21 may be downloaded in PDF format from the HMRS Downloads page.
The Journal has been digitised.
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- Volume 23, Index£1.00