Methfix transfers are similar to waterslide, but with one major difference. They are "fixed" by the application of a mixture of methylated spirit and water. This means that the usual carrier for water slide transfers is totally absent. The result is a transfer that looks as if it were actually painted or printed directly on to the model. There is no carrier to hide afterwards.

The major advantage of Methfix over Pressfix is that they can be very finely adjusted using a tiny brush to "float" the transfer into place. This is especially important where you have a very confined space with a beaded edge, rather than the ideal of a large expanse of flat surface.

Overseas readers may like to know that for the Methfix type transfers, what we in Britain call methylated spirit is available in the USA as Denatured Ethyl Alcohol.

Methfix® and Pressfix® are Registered Trademarks of the HMRS.