South Eastern & Chatham Railway
John Arkell

Brief Historya boat train

The SE&CR was formed in 1899 by the creation of a committee to jointly manage the South Eastern Railway and the London Chatham & Dover Railway. Prior to this the two companies had competed with each other in Kent causing many towns to have competing stations. The SE&CR was to have a primary role in the conduct of World War One as it controlled routes to the channel ports. It was left run down after the war and was included in the Southern Railway from 1923


Cross Channel ServicesAdmiralty Pier

The SE&CR also operated a fleet of cross channel steamers and were pioneers of containerisation. Baggage for the continent was checked by customs at London and sealed in containers that were loaded onto the steamers without further checking at Dover.


HMRS And Other ResourcesSECR 0-6-0

The HMRS has a large collection of original drawings of SER, LCDR and SE&CR Rolling stock and Locomotives. There are also many photographs in the HMRS Photo collection. If you are researching family history the National Archive holds Staff Records.Both the Bluebell and Kent & East Sussex Railways operate restored SE&CR locomotives and rolling stock. Check their websites for details.



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